Jafix cooperate together with:


Right to Repair

Care to repair

Since you can always throw it away.


Why fix it?

Too often and too quickly we scrap broken items. Whether it is a coffee machine that no longer wants to heat up, or a car that heats up too much. Repairing saves money ánd the environment.


Share your knowledge

Are you that Mr. or Ms. Fix-it who can repair everything? You can create and post repair manuals on Jafix.com, so that others can use them to repair what is loose or stuck.


What are the benefits?

Jafix.com is free, but you can also make money with it. For example, by starting a Pro-repair channel and placing links alongside your manuals to your website or -shop.

Become a repairer at Jafix

Are you handy too? Create a profile today and share your knowledge!

Grinding wheel